There is an inner spark in you which is LIGHT, thus, you are BEAUTIFUL .

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Keep Fighting


Just had finished my friend, Dawei's recital on 1/8...Hooops~~ one of the burden on my shoulder had been released. It can be said a warming recital that full with family ship & friendship.
Ms Hau was introducing the programme of the concert

Dawei was playing Bach as our opening show.

See!!! Dawei was sooo appreciated to wear the heels!!! OMG ==
The black & white
Was taking picture before the recital started

The audiences
The audiences

But for me, it was a worse day!!! It was so conflict that I was enjoyed it too. Sigh~
I feel guilty and shamed to face Dawei and Ms Hau cuz.... I've fail and I've spoilt the recital  =('

Feeling bad, not just because the failure on the recital but heard a bad news as well ....

 Last week, I was got the news from facebook that Mr Tan, once of the teacher who had been my class teacher when I was in JM1(8) in Foon Yew was suffering the brain cancer. Feel sadness and don't know what should I do. But the only and direct way is doing donation to my teacher. I pray to God to bless my teacher can come over of this hard fighting. Amen...

By the case, this had made me recalled one of my friend, Marion, who had suffered by the cancer as well and was passed away after the CNY.  Marion, how are you on the heaven?? I miss you and do you miss us too?? I hope there are the happiness surrounding you now...

Your last performance
That was the last time I heard your sound

 Sometimes, I feel that there are too many things unfair in this world... WHY??? Why the fact always as similar as the drama, the bad people are always living well in the world but the kind always deserve into the unfortunate?? Is it the DESTINY?? But WHY??? I think I will never understand it....

I wanna be as strong as I can. Keep fighting with my destiny, my life. The next one will be the Toefl exam which set on this coming Saturday, even though I am not with confidence, but I will try my best...

Yup~ Keep fighting....

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