There is an inner spark in you which is LIGHT, thus, you are BEAUTIFUL .

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Especially for YOU @lL


YuPpp!!!  That's the feeling in my inner, my heart & my mind.

What is AGUAss??
AguaSS means my sworn followers from S6
who always make me laugh, make me touch...
They are marvelous!!!
Thereby, they will always be my Super VIPsss now & future.

Who are them?
They are a tribes of people who are in super pattern & unique character...

Babe peipei, my sweetheart, with a super big face that she super hates it much~but she is so adorable in her action, her speech & who has the highest marketing price among us! Wooshss~

Darling feifei, she is my lover, my sweetie who has a gorgeous eyes, a sweet smile but always act as mad as a March hare, hahaha... but she is the one warm my heart so much!!!

Sohai ming, a lapsap+fei3 woo2,  with a recommended specialty of his sausage big mouth & dull eyes, who always make us become lunatic even though he was doing nothing...

Blacker, our super dancer but also my TRIPLE & shopping kaki as well~ she is black even though she desires a fairly skin!!! And is always itch to patho ing or marry off!!!

Dirtyue, my TRIPLE too~who has multi-identity in many working areas. I called him dirtyue not because of his skin color but of his dirty think in fact!!! hahas...

Bone, veritable as his nick name, he just the bone left!!! He is thin as a paper and has became over confidence of his humour after back from Taiwan == Blek =P

Hongzai, the hiao-est guy of us!!! he is my darling feifei's secret lover, a steady man with a definite view which conflit with his 38 pattern as well.

Big head beng, the big brother of us who is good in cooking and is the super earning money machine!!! He is also the hiao est & actest among us.
 Yunyun deardear, my super lover & my 1st hubby as well. He is the madness of us and a drunker too~Even though he is one of ours high ka, but is always gentle & sensitive..but i love him so much!!!

Gary dada, one of my lovers, my 2nd hubby & a drunker too! He is handsome but short, but I don't mind, hehe...He is smart, gentlemen & a bosom friend ~Love him =)
 Jifu honey, my lover & 3rd hubby. He is the cutiest among my hubbies! He is smart & mature than our expectation and gentlemen as well~ Love him too!!

Elect ming, an amateur of PC & animation. He is shy but warmhearted and is easily become anxious. Haha.. and he is my secret lover too!!!

Here are my lovely VIPs and hey are awesome as I described!!! LOVE ^ ^

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Keep Fighting


Just had finished my friend, Dawei's recital on 1/8...Hooops~~ one of the burden on my shoulder had been released. It can be said a warming recital that full with family ship & friendship.
Ms Hau was introducing the programme of the concert

Dawei was playing Bach as our opening show.

See!!! Dawei was sooo appreciated to wear the heels!!! OMG ==
The black & white
Was taking picture before the recital started

The audiences
The audiences

But for me, it was a worse day!!! It was so conflict that I was enjoyed it too. Sigh~
I feel guilty and shamed to face Dawei and Ms Hau cuz.... I've fail and I've spoilt the recital  =('

Feeling bad, not just because the failure on the recital but heard a bad news as well ....

 Last week, I was got the news from facebook that Mr Tan, once of the teacher who had been my class teacher when I was in JM1(8) in Foon Yew was suffering the brain cancer. Feel sadness and don't know what should I do. But the only and direct way is doing donation to my teacher. I pray to God to bless my teacher can come over of this hard fighting. Amen...

By the case, this had made me recalled one of my friend, Marion, who had suffered by the cancer as well and was passed away after the CNY.  Marion, how are you on the heaven?? I miss you and do you miss us too?? I hope there are the happiness surrounding you now...

Your last performance
That was the last time I heard your sound

 Sometimes, I feel that there are too many things unfair in this world... WHY??? Why the fact always as similar as the drama, the bad people are always living well in the world but the kind always deserve into the unfortunate?? Is it the DESTINY?? But WHY??? I think I will never understand it....

I wanna be as strong as I can. Keep fighting with my destiny, my life. The next one will be the Toefl exam which set on this coming Saturday, even though I am not with confidence, but I will try my best...

Yup~ Keep fighting....


It was an awesome night with two wonderful friends, Blacker & Dirtyue at Tea1 just now. I feel blessed to have the friends like them who always make me feel happiness with a simple chat and a cup of milk tea or a bottle of beer =)

Even though there are totally difference of ours character and we won't meet frequently, but we are click!!! Thanks GOD let me met two of you and gather us together and I will cherish our friendship. Lets talk about ours FATE, how come we met and developed into the Triple.

I just can said it was a belated fate in pass but not now!!! Actually we were four, blacker, bone, dirtyue & me!!! but it had became the Triple after Bone choose to study in Taiwan. We met when we were 16, were the classmates in S1S6 without any crossing bond. 

In the school time, Dirtyue had his athlete gang, Blacker had her 36 gang, and I was with my darling and babe too! We were lived like the strangers, or can be said just a common friends. But we can't imagine how strong the power of life or can be said the fate!!! 

We met, not the strangers anymore after we had graduated. First, I was closed with Blacker, then Blacker had met Dirtyue and Bone in Crescendo, and someday we had gathered and became friends after ours old gangs had left us for study, and we started ours 1st high tea at Tea 1.

Tea 1, the place we met every times. But someday, we found another place, 18PL because of its delicious French fries and the serenity of the environment and later we called it "the old place".

                                       18PL @ Nusa Bestari

We always have a simple chat without topic and keep laughing after the dirty jokes by Dirtyue and Bone. We care and concern each other without words but in actions! Time flies over, now we had known each others almost four years and had became mature in these years. Last year, our group had became smaller after Bone decided to go to chase his dream in Taiwan, and we minimized into a Triple.  Although Bone was left, we still always keep contact with each others, yumcha, beer night, shopping even studying as well.

Do you know the triangle is the hardest and the strongest shape?? Yes, it is. And the friendship of Blacker, Dirtyue, and me is just like a triangle, simple but strong!!! That's why I called it TRIPLE (the triangle-ship of people). Nice?? I love this name so much!!!

Here I wanna thanks for them; thanks you always stand with me when I was helpless. Thankfully fate let us became friends. I appreciated and I promise I will cherish the moment we laugh, we shared from now on and future.



The day I felt I still alive

A brand new day, a brand new life!!! 
I felt the air was fresh, the sky was blue...and I still alive.

Recently I was not feeling well and seems damn tired. I knew that I was under stress and I just wanna escape!!!

Woots~Whats a stupid idea which came out from my mind!!!

July & August seem will be the busier months for me. Recital, exam, gatherings... which all come together at the same time. If there has a word to describe my status, it sure be BUSY. How many times I've prayed and wished that I could take a long vocation, but it still far away from my right status...

I had promised myself before, I will be succeed! I want to stay difference and special from the others! But now, I've changed my mind...I just wanna be an ordinary people, stays with my family, my friends and the one who I cared.

I tried to find a new meaning of my life, tried to stay positive. Yes, thinking positive will let me become strong even though I am a coward in truth. 
Cuz I am Xui who always fall down, stand up again and again, and try to climb to the top point. 

Yes!! Xui is back!!! It was a meaning day, a day I had reborned.